

Each blog post is a Markdown file in blog/_posts/. File names have post date and a short title. The short title is used for permanent URL links, so must be unique to each blog post. Posts have the following YAML top matter:

layout: post
title: Some thoughts on a GitHub of Science
author: Murat Kahveci
    - Online Teaching
image: /images/blog/github_large.jpg

Tags layout, title, author, and tags are required, while image is optional. tags should be less than four words and each word should be capitalized. The author name should correspond to the team member title tag for proper linking of posts to authors. All blog images should live in images/blog/ and be referred as relative to the base directory, begining with /images/. The image should be a 120x120 pixel tile.


Each paper lives in papers/_posts/. File names, used to construct permalinks, are first author plus short (1-2 word) title. Papers have the following YAML metadata:

layout: paper
title: "Exploring science teachers' affective states: Pedagogical discontentment, self-efficacy, intentions to reform, and their relationships"
authors: Kahveci A, Kahveci M, Mansour N, Alarfaj MM
image: /images/papers/rise.jpg
year: 2018
publisher: Research in Science Education
projectid: pdse
ref: "[Kahveci A](/ajda), [Kahveci M](/murat), [Mansour N](/nasser), & [Alarfaj MM](/maher). (2018). [Exploring science teachers' affective states: Pedagogical discontentment, self-efficacy, intentions to reform, and their relationships](/qra). _Research in Science Education, 48_(6), 1359–1386."
doi: "10.1007/s11165-016-9606-y"
book: false
journal: true
conference: false

Tags layout, title, image, authors, year, ref, publisher are required. One of the followings must be set true:

Tags pdf, supplement, github, projectid are optional. The image should be a 120x120 pixel tile. All paper images and PDFs should reside in images/papers/ and pdfs/papers/ respectively.


Each team member has a Markdown file in team/_posts/. File names are join date followed by first and last name. YAML follows:

layout: member
title: Murat Kahveci
position: Principal investigator
active: 2005 — Present
twitter: iMuratKahveci
image: /images/team/murat.jpg
cv: /pdfs/team/murat-cv.pdf

Tags layout, title, last name, position, handle, image are required, while twitter, github, cv are optional. The image should be a 260x260 pixel tile. All member images and PDFs should be placed in images/team/ and pdfs/team/ respectively.

Biking Activities

1. Define New Year

2. Define New Month