On Dec 15, 2023

Hi Professor Kahveci!

As the semester comes to a close, I wanted to reach out to you and thank you again for such a great semester. I was in your Friday lab at 11:30, and I thouroughly enjoyed your lectures and labs. I especially enjoyed your description of the research you have done, and I would love to hear more about your endeavors when school starts again. Again, thank you for such a great semester, I hope to be your student again soon!



Maddy took CHEM 161 Chem Structure & Properties Lab in Fall 2023. This email correspondence was posted with Maddy’s written permission via email on 12/15/2023.

Dear Friends!

I’m thrilled to share a significant milestone in my fitness journey – I’ve successfully achieved my weight goal! It’s been a challenging yet rewarding road, and I’m excited to update you on my progress.

The Victory: All Markers in the Green

After months of hard work and dedication, I’m delighted to report that all my health markers are finally in the green zone. It’s a remarkable feeling to see the positive changes reflected in every aspect of my well-being. From improved energy levels to better sleep quality, the transformation has been truly holistic.

Building Strength: Good Muscle Density Unlocked

One of the most satisfying aspects of this journey has been the development of good muscle density. Building and toning muscles not only contribute to a more sculpted physique but also enhance overall strength and functionality. It’s incredible to feel the difference in my day-to-day activities – from effortlessly lifting groceries to tackling a challenging workout routine challenging workout routine.

Setting the Bar Higher: The Next Goal

With this achievement as a solid foundation, I’m setting my sights on the next challenge: reaching 12% body fat. This goal represents a new frontier, and I’m eager to see how far I can push myself. While it’s a challenging target, I believe that with consistent effort and a strategic approach, it’s entirely within reach.

Is It Achievable? Let’s Find Out!

Embarking on this new goal sparks a mix of excitement and curiosity. Is it achievable? The only way to find out is to dive in and give it my all. The journey to 12% body fat will undoubtedly require focus, discipline, and perhaps a few tweaks to my current routine. But the potential benefits – both physical and mental – make it a goal worth pursuing.

Join Me on the Journey

I invite you to follow along as I navigate the path to achieving 12% body fat. I’ll be sharing insights, challenges, and victories along the way. Whether you’re on a similar journey or looking for inspiration to kickstart your own fitness goals, let’s support each other in our pursuit of a healthier, more vibrant life.

Conclusion: A Journey of Growth

As I reflect on the accomplishments so far and look ahead to the challenges awaiting me, I’m reminded that the true beauty of a fitness journey lies in the growth it brings. Each milestone reached, every hurdle overcome, contributes to personal development and resilience.

Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Here’s to celebrating victories, embracing challenges, and discovering the strength we never knew we had.

Stay tuned for more updates, and let’s crush those fitness goals together!

Cheers to health and happiness,


Greetings fellow fitness enthusiasts!

I’m thrilled to share my ongoing journey towards achieving a remarkable goal: attaining 12% body fat. With a solid foundation established through intermittent fasting, a keto diet, and five days a week of dedicated gym training, I’m eager to set new frontiers and push my limits. This ambitious target, though challenging, holds the promise of being entirely within reach with a consistent effort and a strategic approach.

Holistic Lifestyle Integration

As I embark on this quest for 12% body fat, I’m integrating my well-established routines of intermittent fasting, keto diet adherence, and dedicated gym sessions into a holistic lifestyle approach. Balancing these components ensures a comprehensive and sustainable path towards achieving my goal.

Here is the pertinent post in the December 2023 update.

Fine-Tuning the Keto Diet

While already committed to a keto diet, I’m exploring ways to fine-tune it to optimize fat loss while preserving muscle mass. This involves experimenting with macro ratios, incorporating nutrient-dense foods, and maintaining a mindful approach to dietary choices.

  1. High Fat, Low Carb: The Keto diet is characterized by a high intake of healthy fats, a moderate amount of protein, and a very low carbohydrate intake. This dietary approach aims to shift the body into a state of ketosis, where it primarily uses fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.

  2. Ketosis and Fat Adaptation: By restricting carbohydrate intake, the body’s glucose levels drop, prompting the liver to produce ketones from stored fat. This metabolic state, known as ketosis, not only aids in fat loss but also enhances mental clarity and energy levels. Over time, the body becomes more efficient at utilizing fats for energy, leading to fat adaptation.

  3. Whole Foods Emphasis: A well-balanced Keto diet emphasizes whole, nutrient-dense foods such as avocados, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, and leafy greens. These foods provide essential nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants.

Mindful Intermittent Fasting

Building upon my intermittent fasting routine, I’m incorporating mindful practices to enhance its effectiveness. This includes paying attention to nutrient timing, optimizing the fasting window, and staying attuned to my body’s signals for optimal results.

  1. One Meal a Day (OMAD): Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. The OMAD approach takes this a step further, condensing the daily eating window to just one meal. This extended fasting period enhances the benefits of ketosis and promotes autophagy, a cellular repair process.

  2. Insulin Sensitivity: By restricting the eating window, OMAD improves insulin sensitivity. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals aiming to manage weight, as enhanced insulin sensitivity promotes efficient glucose metabolism and reduces the risk of insulin resistance.

  3. Fat Burning and Cellular Repair: The extended fasting period of OMAD encourages the body to tap into stored fat for energy. Additionally, during fasting, cells undergo autophagy, a process where they remove damaged components, promoting cellular repair and longevity.

In reference to autophagy, Harvard Medical School genetics professor David Sinclair explores the insights from his latest book, “Lifespan1,” where he distills his advanced research discoveries on the biological mechanisms influencing aging. Sinclair outlines current lifestyle adjustments that can be implemented to address aging and delves into prospective scientific advancements that hold the potential to decelerate, and in some cases, reverse the aging trajectory.

Synergy of Keto and OMAD

  1. Amplified Fat Burning: The combination of a Keto diet and OMAD maximizes the utilization of stored fat for energy. With limited glucose from carbohydrates, the body relies on ketones and fat stores during fasting periods.

  2. Improved Mental Clarity: The steady supply of ketones to the brain, coupled with the cognitive benefits of intermittent fasting, can result in improved mental clarity and focus.

  3. Weight Management: The synergistic effects of both approaches contribute to effective weight management by promoting fat loss, preserving lean muscle mass, and regulating appetite.

In summary, the Keto diet, especially when paired with intermittent fasting (OMAD), creates a powerful synergy for those seeking fat loss, improved metabolic health, and enhanced overall well-being. It’s essential to personalize these dietary strategies based on individual goals, preferences, and health conditions. As with any significant dietary change, consulting with a healthcare professional or nutrition expert is advisable to ensure a balanced and sustainable approach.

Strategic Gym Training

To support the reduction in body fat percentage, my gym training is taking a strategic turn. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and targeted strength exercises are becoming central elements of my routine. This not only accelerates fat burning but also contributes to the development and preservation of lean muscle mass.

Monitoring Progress

A key aspect of any fitness journey is monitoring progress. Regular assessments, body composition measurements, and adjustments to the plan based on outcomes play a crucial role in staying on track and making informed decisions.

I am currently consulting with my physician, however in the long run I plan to use the service by InsideTracker. Utilizing a patented algorithm, the platform conducts a thorough analysis of biomarker data encompassing blood, DNA, lifestyle, and fitness trackers. Users are empowered to lead longer, healthier lives by receiving personalized action plans rooted in scientifically supported recommendations. The platform also facilitates the monitoring of positive progress resulting from implemented behavior changes.

Community Support

The journey to 12% body fat is undoubtedly challenging, but I believe in the power of community support. Sharing experiences, challenges, and victories with like-minded individuals provides motivation and accountability. I invite you to join me on this exciting venture, sharing insights and cheering each other on.

Conclusion: Aiming High, Achieving Higher

As I set my sights on the challenging yet achievable goal of 12% body fat, I’m excited about the holistic approach I’m adopting. It’s not just about reaching a numerical target; it’s about embracing a lifestyle that promotes long-term well-being. Here’s to pushing boundaries, celebrating victories, and thriving together on the journey to optimal health.

Stay tuned for updates, tips, and shared triumphs. Let’s conquer this milestone together!

Cheers to health and vitality,


  1. This book is the #1 Best Seller on Amazon

I am excited to share that our paper, “Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity: Legislate or Educate?”, has been accepted for presentation at the PUPP International Summit, which will take place in Gatineau-Ottawa, Canada, from May 21 to 24, 2024. This paper is the result of a collaborative effort among six researchers from different disciplines at Loyola University Chicago, stemming from the AITA Project.

In this paper, we explore the impact of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, on academic integrity in a U.S. college. We use a participatory action research approach and involve various university stakeholders, such as students, faculty, librarians, and administrators, in data collection and analysis. We aim to understand how AI tools are used for teaching and learning purposes, what benefits and challenges they bring, and how they affect the ethical and appropriate use of information. We also examine the current policies and practices of academic integrity in the context of AI development and suggest ways to improve them.

We adopt a critical media/information literacy perspective and argue that academic integrity is not only a matter of rules and regulations, but also a matter of education and empowerment. We propose that generative AI tools can be used as an opportunity to enhance students’ critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration skills, as well as their awareness of ethical issues and social responsibility. We also highlight the need for ongoing dialogue and collaboration among all stakeholders to foster a culture of academic integrity that embraces innovation and diversity.

We look forward to presenting our paper at the PUPP International Summit and engaging with other researchers and practitioners who are interested in this topic. We hope that our paper will contribute to the literature on academic integrity in the age of AI and spark further discussion and action.


EChEmpower is a groundbreaking research initiative focused on revolutionizing general chemistry education. With the aim of identifying and rectifying student misconceptions, our diverse team of experts collaborates with faculty members specializing in general chemistry over two distinct phases from Fall 2023 to Spring 2025.

Background and Motivation

EChEmpower is motivated by the pressing need to enhance the quality of general chemistry education. Many students struggle with misconceptions that hinder their progress in science-related fields. Our project seeks innovative pedagogical approaches to rectify these misconceptions and improve the overall learning experience.

Collaborative Approach

EChEmpower promotes collaboration between faculty members teaching general chemistry and pedagogy experts to address the challenges in chemistry education effectively.

Research Phases

  • Phase 1 (Fall 2023 - Spring 2024): In this phase, we identify common student misconceptions, develop diagnostic tools, and conduct a pilot study to assess their effectiveness.

  • Phase 2 (Fall 2024 - Spring 2025): We collect data and assess the impact of adjustments to teaching strategies based on Phase 1 findings.

Pedagogical Frameworks

EChEmpower employs innovative pedagogical frameworks like student-centered design and constructivist epistemology within the context of Ignatian Pedagogy to address misconceptions.

Outcomes and Contribution

EChEmpower aims to enhance general chemistry education through evidence-based teaching strategies, promoting student-centered design, and constructivism, improving students’ ability to master key concepts.

Research Dissemination

We will share our findings at renowned conferences in Chemistry Education Research and publish in peer-reviewed journals to make our research accessible to educators, researchers, and practitioners in the field.


In summary, the EChEmpower project strives to enhance general chemistry education through innovative pedagogical approaches, foster collaboration, and share its findings widely. Join us in transforming the educational experience in general chemistry.


The UMiB-SCDCE project seeks to address misconceptions in biochemistry education, a common hurdle to student learning. Through collaboration with faculty, innovative pedagogical methods, and broad dissemination, it aims to transform biochemistry education.

Collaborative Approach

The project collaborates with faculty members from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry to identify and rectify misconceptions. It combines research and pedagogy to enhance teaching strategies.

Project Phases

The project unfolds in two phases:

  • Phase 1 (Fall 2023 - Spring 2024): Identifying misconceptions and creating diagnostic tools.
  • Phase 2 (Fall 2024 - Spring 2025): Evaluating teaching strategies and eliminating misconceptions.

Pedagogical Frameworks

UMiB-SCDCE uses Student-Centered Design, Constructivist Epistemology, and Ignatian Pedagogy to develop tailored interventions.

Project Outcomes

The project aims to contribute to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning by providing evidence-based strategies to address misconceptions in biochemistry, ultimately improving learning outcomes.

Sharing Knowledge

The project will share its findings at key Chemistry Education Research conferences and in peer-reviewed journals.


The UMiB-SCDCE project holds promise for revolutionizing biochemistry education by addressing misconceptions and promoting effective pedagogical methods.

In the ever-evolving landscape of academia, technology has become a cornerstone of education. From online learning platforms to digital textbooks, innovations have revolutionized the way we teach and learn. One of the latest and most intriguing advancements in this space is generative artificial intelligence (AI), and the AITA Project is set to investigate its impact on academic integrity within the U.S. college context.

The Journey Begins

The AITA project embarked on its quest in the summer of 2023, with kick-off meetings setting the stage for an exciting exploration of AI’s role in education. Now, as we stand on the cusp of gathering data through online surveys and interviews with focus groups, the journey has been an enlightening one. A conference presentation is scheduled for the spring of 2023 in Canada, where the project findings will be shared with a broader audience.

Project Overview

The AITA project, which stands for “Artificial Intelligence TA: Tools for Academic Integrity,” delves into the world of AI in academia with a laser focus on academic integrity. The project aims to shed light on how various university stakeholders perceive and experience the use and misuse of AI tools, with a particular emphasis on ChatGPT and similar technology.

University stakeholders encompass a wide array of individuals, including students, faculty, librarians, administrators, and staff. These key players in the academic ecosystem all have unique perspectives on the use of AI in education, and the AITA project seeks to capture these viewpoints.

Research Objectives

  1. Understanding Perceptions and Experiences: The project aims to gauge the perceptions and experiences of university stakeholders regarding AI tools’ use and misuse in academic settings. Are these tools seen as aids to learning, or are they viewed with suspicion as potential threats to academic integrity?

  2. Current Policies and Practices: Investigating the existing policies and practices related to academic integrity within universities is a crucial aspect of the project. How do institutions currently address the use of AI in academic work? Are these policies robust enough to maintain academic honesty?

  3. Educating and Empowering Stakeholders: The AITA project is not just about identifying challenges but also about finding solutions. By understanding the dynamics of AI use in academia, the project will recommend strategies to educate and empower stakeholders to engage with AI tools ethically and appropriately.

Approach and Methodology

To address these research objectives, the AITA Project adopts a participatory action research (PAR) approach. This methodology ensures active involvement of university stakeholders in the research process, aligning with the project’s goal of empowering individuals to engage with AI tools in an ethical and appropriate manner.

Data collection is set to take place through a combination of online surveys and group interviews. This multi-faceted approach will provide a comprehensive perspective on the subject and allow the project to gain valuable insights into the complex relationship between AI and academic integrity.

Contributing to the Literature

The AITA Project is poised to make a significant contribution to the literature on AI and academic integrity. By focusing on critical pedagogy, which emphasizes social justice and equity, the project’s findings and recommendations will be grounded in a context that values the ethical use of AI in education.


As we anticipate the AITA Project’s forthcoming conference presentation in Canada, it’s clear that the impact of AI on academic integrity is a topic of utmost importance in today’s educational landscape. This project’s endeavor to understand, inform, and empower university stakeholders in their interaction with AI tools is a commendable step towards ensuring the responsible integration of AI into education.

Stay tuned for further updates as the AITA project unfolds and delivers insights that may shape the future of AI in academia and foster a culture of academic integrity and ethical AI use.

If you’re looking for a challenging and effective way to train your core, you might want to try this exercise that I call Vertical Leg Raise on Pull-Up Bar with Leg Crunch. It’s a combination of two movements that target your abs from different angles and require a lot of stability and strength.

To perform this exercise, you need a pull-up bar that is high enough for you to hang from without touching the ground. You also need to have a good grip and enough upper body strength to support your body weight. Start by hanging from the bar with your arms fully extended and your legs straight. Then, lift your legs up until they are perpendicular to the floor. This is the vertical leg raise part of the exercise. Next, bend your knees and bring them towards your chest as you crunch your abs. This is the leg crunch part of the exercise. Finally, extend your legs back to the vertical position and lower them down to the starting position. Repeat as many times as you can.

This exercise works your entire core, especially your lower abs, obliques, and hip flexors. It also improves your spinal mobility, balance, and coordination. And it’s not easy on your upper body either, as you have to maintain a strong grip and shoulder stability.

This exercise is not for beginners or people with low back pain or shoulder injuries. It requires a lot of core strength and stability, as well as upper body strength and mobility. If you’re not ready for it, you can start with simpler variations, such as hanging knee raises, hanging leg raises, or hanging windshield wipers.

Vertical Leg Raise on Pull-Up Bar with Leg Crunch is a great way to challenge yourself and take your core training to the next level. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!