Research Methods in Education

Taught in
Fall 2010
Course Level
Lifelong Support

Course Description

Research Methods in Education is a graduate level course offered to those whose need to conduct a thesis research in social and behavioral sciences. This course will cover various research methods and allow participants to develop basic research practices throughout the semester. Field trips will be necessary to actually design a small-scale research, including but not limited to writing-up research topic, research questions, choosing an appropriate research method, site visits, data collection and preparation for further analysis, data analysis and reaching conclusions. This class should help the participant develop a philosophy and approach to conducting research in education.

Learning Outcomes

The focus of the course is to provide students with an opportunity for:

  • familiarity with various empirical research methods
  • familiarity with research terminology
  • clarity and experience of data collection and analysis
  • ability to report research findings in a scientific manner

Required Texts

  • Fraenkel, J. R., and Wallen, N. E. (2006). How to design and evaluate research in education (6 ed.). New York: NY: McGraw-Hill.