Teaching of Nature of Science

KIMEG 5023
Taught in
Fall 2015
Course Level
Lifelong Support

Course Description

The nature of scientific knowledge and how certain approaches in scientific research affect the scientific knowledge will be discussed. The role of scientific literacy on the nature of scientific knowledge is examined and students become aware of this aspect of knowing.

Course content

The philosophy of science. The definition of science, its goals and its phases. Epistemology, the nature of scientific concepts and scientific knowledge. Approaches to the nature of science and instruction. Classroom activities in teaching the nature of science. System dynamics approach. The nature of science and science-technology-society-environment. The nature of science and scientific process skills. Evaluation of learning materials related to the nature of science. Overall; the nature of science terminology commonly used in science education.

Learning Outcomes

In this course, students will:

  • Defines the philosophy of science.
  • Understands the definition, goals, and phases of science.
  • Grasps epistemology, the nature of scientific concepts, scientific knowledge, and its characteristics.
  • Understands approaches to the nature and teaching of science.
  • Understands in-class activities in teaching the nature of science.
  • Grasps the system dynamics method.
  • Understands the nature of technology and the relationship between technology and science.
  • Establishes the relationship between the nature of science and Science-Technology-Society-Environment.
  • Grasps the nature of science and scientific process skills.
  • Understands the evaluation of learning products related to the nature of science.
  • Becomes familiar with the terminology commonly used in science education related to the nature of science.


Your ideas are of utmost importance in this course, as they form the foundation of the course. In short, this is not a class where the teacher lectures and the students passively listen. Therefore, your participation in the course is strongly expected, and this participation should be professional. Professionalism can be defined not only by completing assignments with excellence but also by constructive participation, positive and attentive participation in group work, seizing and utilizing opportunities to enhance your personal knowledge and skills, and performing above the minimum standards in all activities.

Required Texts

  • Demirbaş, M. (Ed.). (2013). Bilimin Doğası ve Öğretimi (1. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.