
EChEmpower is a groundbreaking research initiative focused on revolutionizing general chemistry education. With the aim of identifying and rectifying student misconceptions, our diverse team of experts collaborates with faculty members specializing in general chemistry over two distinct phases from Fall 2023 to Spring 2025.

Background and Motivation

EChEmpower is motivated by the pressing need to enhance the quality of general chemistry education. Many students struggle with misconceptions that hinder their progress in science-related fields. Our project seeks innovative pedagogical approaches to rectify these misconceptions and improve the overall learning experience.

Collaborative Approach

EChEmpower promotes collaboration between faculty members teaching general chemistry and pedagogy experts to address the challenges in chemistry education effectively.

Research Phases

  • Phase 1 (Fall 2023 - Spring 2024): In this phase, we identify common student misconceptions, develop diagnostic tools, and conduct a pilot study to assess their effectiveness.

  • Phase 2 (Fall 2024 - Spring 2025): We collect data and assess the impact of adjustments to teaching strategies based on Phase 1 findings.

Pedagogical Frameworks

EChEmpower employs innovative pedagogical frameworks like student-centered design and constructivist epistemology within the context of Ignatian Pedagogy to address misconceptions.

Outcomes and Contribution

EChEmpower aims to enhance general chemistry education through evidence-based teaching strategies, promoting student-centered design, and constructivism, improving students’ ability to master key concepts.

Research Dissemination

We will share our findings at renowned conferences in Chemistry Education Research and publish in peer-reviewed journals to make our research accessible to educators, researchers, and practitioners in the field.


In summary, the EChEmpower project strives to enhance general chemistry education through innovative pedagogical approaches, foster collaboration, and share its findings widely. Join us in transforming the educational experience in general chemistry.