Mariana Hernandes Grassi
Mariana Hernandes Grassi

Research Collaborator | 2023 - Present


Doctoral research focus at Loyola University Chicago: How Teacher-owned Cooperatives can be a social, economic, and political alternative for educators in the context of Gig Economies. Inspiring educators to have more voice and critical thinking, so they can develop a transgressive pedagogy.

For more detailed information about her research, please visit her webpage here.

Joint Projects

1. Artificial Intelligence Tools and Academic Integrity (2023 - 2024)

Joint Publications

Journal Articles

2. Wan G, Grassi M, Golden T, Barnes T, Kahveci M, Wan X. & Colacchio B, (in-press). Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity: Legislate or Educate? Journal of Scientific Publishing.

Conference Papers

1. Wan G, Kahveci M, Colacchio B, Grassi M, Golden T, & Wan X. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity: Legislate or Educate?. Paper presented at PUPP International Summit. Gatineau-Ottawa, Canada. May 21 - 24, 2024.