Xiang Wan
Xiang Wan

Research Collaborator | 2023 - Present


Dr. Xiang Wan did his undergraduate work in mathematics at Beijing Jiaotong University, China. Then he continued his study of mathematics, with a M.S. at Auburn University and a Ph.D. at the University of Virginia. Before joining Loyola at 2022, he held a few post-doc and visiting positions in several institutions, including Wayne State University, George Washington University, and Haverford College.

He is an applied mathematician whose research mainly involves modeling with Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). His work is mostly two-fold: (i) qualitative studies of different PDE systems, such as math modeling, well-posedness, long term behavior, associated control theory; (ii) numerical analysis of discrete schemes for PDEs.

For more detailed information about his research, please visit his webpage here.

Joint Projects

1. Artificial Intelligence Tools and Academic Integrity (2023 - 2024)

Joint Publications

Journal Articles

2. Wan G, Grassi M, Golden T, Barnes T, Kahveci M, Wan X. & Colacchio B, (in-press). Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity: Legislate or Educate? Journal of Scientific Publishing.

Conference Papers

1. Wan G, Kahveci M, Colacchio B, Grassi M, Golden T, & Wan X. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity: Legislate or Educate?. Paper presented at PUPP International Summit. Gatineau-Ottawa, Canada. May 21 - 24, 2024.