Affective Dimensions in Chemistry Education was published in January 2015. Since then the book has received a number of citations, downloaded many times, and read by many scholars. This blog page updates these relevant stats.

This is a unique resource for those wishing to address the affective domain as they research and solve problems in chemistry education. Contributions by world-leading experts cover both fundamental considerations and practical case studies. This work fills a gap in the literature of chemistry education, which so far has focussed mainly on the cognitive domain. The affective domain refers to feelings-based constructs such as attitudes, values, beliefs, opinions, emotions, interests, motivation, and a degree of acceptance or rejection. It can affect students’ interest in science topics and their motivation to persevere in learning science concepts.


  • Chemistry


  • Chemistry/Food Science
  • general
  • Science Education
  • Teaching and Teacher Education


  • Chemistry
  • Science
  • Study and Teaching


Citations Readers Downloads
20 133 13,900

Summary of Crossref Citations


Early Childhood Development. Book chapter with DOI 10.4018/978-1-5225-7507-8.ch015


Low-achieving students’ attitudes towards learning chemistry and chemistry teaching methods

Merkmale kontextualisierter Lernaufgaben und ihre Wirkung auf das situationale Interesse und die Lernleistung von Schülerinnen und Schülern

Context characteristics and their effects on students’ situational interest in chemistry

Action research in science education – an analytical review of the literature

The effect of problem-based learning on the metacognitive awareness of pre-service science teachers

Explaining secondary school students’ attitudes towards chemistry in Chile

High School Students’ Attitudes about Socioscientific Issues Contextualized in Inquiry-based Chemistry Instruction


Building a library of chemistry education volumes

Students’ attitudes, self-efficacy and experiences in a modified process-oriented guided inquiry learning undergraduate chemistry classroom


Pre-service chemistry teachers’ competencies in the laboratory: a cross-grade study in solution preparation

Exploring a measure of science attitude for different groups of students enrolled in introductory college chemistry

Investigating the relationships among students’ self-efficacy beliefs, their perceptions of classroom learning environment, gender, and chemistry achievement through structural equation modeling

Handbook of Research on Applied Learning Theory and Design in Modern Education. Book chapter with DOI 10.4018/978-1-4666-9634-1.ch006

Language and the teaching and learning of chemistry


Assessing high school students’ attitudes toward chemistry with a shortened semantic differential. Journal article in Chem. Educ. Res. Pract.

Measuring undergraduate students’ self-efficacy in engineering design in a project-based design course

Advancing chemistry education as a field