
LaTeX has long been my main typesetting environment. This post has some handy dandy codes that I daily use for Beamer class.

Beamer presentations can quickly get overly large compilation times and generate large PDF outputs. In Compressed PDFs, I describe several methods to optimize these processes.

My Beamer Template





preamble.tex is in the root folder, which has the following code:

%%% or uncomment this for the article version
% \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{beamerarticle}  

%%% or uncomment this for handouts


  \beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty % remove navigation symbols
  \usecolortheme{seagull} % default, albatross, seagull , crane, beaver, beetle, seahorse, wolverine
  \usefonttheme{serif} % serif, structureitalicserif, structurebold 

%%% In handout mode give the individual pages a light grey background
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black!5}
%%% Put more than one frame on each page to save paper.
\pgfpagesuselayout{4 on 1}[letterpaper,border shrink=3mm, landscape]
% \pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}[letterpaper,border shrink=5mm, portrait]
% \setbeameroption{show notes}

\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number] % slide number at the bottom

\usepackage{siunitx} % Format scientific units
\usepackage{chemformula} % Format Chemical Formulae
\usepackage{tabularx} % Make complex tables

\author[]{Murat Kahveci, Ph.D.}
\institute[Loyola University Chicago]{
  Department of Chemistry \& Biochemistry\\
  Loyola University Chicago}


% symbols of equations and their definitions
% \whereInEq{ symbol(units) & definition \\}
\noindent where \quad
\begin{tabularx}{.8\textwidth} {
  | r 
   >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X }

Common Commands

New Frame

With bullet points.





I prefer align which requires \usepackage{amsmath} in preamble and allows multiple lines of equations:


Chem formula and equations. \usepackage{chemformula} in preamble:


To write the units in more elegant way:


\si or \SI command dependencies in preamble:

\sisetup{load-configurations = abbreviations, binary-units = true}


%  \caption{}
%  \label{fig:}


Simple table:

    & & \\
    & & \\
    & &

Complex table is easier with the tabularx package. Invoke \usepackage{tabularx} and \usepackage{booktabs} in preamble.

		\textbf{Option}			& \textbf{Description} \tabularnewline
		 & newpxtext and newpxtext fonts will be used (pdfLaTeX) \tabularnewline
		 & Vertically align columns\tabularnewline

Title Page

%Title page
\title[About Beamer] %optional
{About the Beamer class in presentation making}

\subtitle{A short story}

\author[Arthur, Doe] % (optional)
{A.~B.~Arthur\inst{1} \and J.~Doe\inst{2}}

\institute[VFU] % (optional)
  Faculty of Physics\\
  Very Famous University
  Faculty of Chemistry\\
  Very Famous University

\date[VLC 2014] % (optional)
{Very Large Conference, April 2014}


Make Title Page


Table of Contents

TOC after the title page:

\frametitle{Table of Contents}

TOC is placed at the beginning of each section; current section is highlighted:

    \frametitle{Table of Contents}

Visibility of Text

\frametitle{Sample frame title}
    \item<1-> Text visible on slide 1
    \item<2-> Text visible on slide 2
    \item<3-> Text visible on slides 3
    \item<4-> Text visible on slide 4

\pause Command

In this slide \pause

the text will be partially visible \pause

And finally everything will be there

Text Highlighting

Text highlighting can be achieved in several ways.

\frametitle{Sample frame title}

In this slide, some important text will be
\alert{highlighted} because it's important.
Please, don't abuse it.

Sample text

\begin{alertblock}{Important theorem}
Sample text in red box

Sample text in green box. The title of the block is ``Examples".

Make Two-Column Slide
